Saturday 15 August 2015

History of India in Maps

The changing map of India from 1 AD to the 20th century. Truly, the mind-blowing history of India.

Please Refer to the Link Given Above. 

Rich History of India has been wonderfully expressed through Maps. This is really a great collection. 

The Great Indian Territory stood the Test of Time to evolve as a rich, diverse, accommodating and vibrant culture. Learning through twist and turns of historical events, this region has developed values, which remain hallmark of a civilized society. I can proudly say we have mastered the art of living peacefully with extreme diversities (of different dimensions - most important among them are co-existence of different school of thoughts in harmony). India should not be confined in 'narrow domestic walls' like region, caste or religion. Probably such a confinement will be gross injustice to concept of India. And, more importantly, propagating such a confining thought process may eventually erode the invaluable learning this civilization has imbibed through historical events over many many centuries.

JAI - HIND and HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY...............:-) :-) :-)


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