Monday, September 16, 2024

Data Analysis for Accuracy of Provisional Diagnosis in Healthcare


Title Picture Reference - AI Generated Image at website -

Summary of the Blogpost – This blogpost is an attempt to illustrate an idea for doing performance assessment of healthcare facilities based on accuracy of provisional diagnosis for a given disease. To do this, the blogpost relies on the HIMS (Hospital Information Management System) data captured across the facilities (which are taken into consideration for comparison of performance). It is suggested that data for symptoms, provisional diagnosis and final diagnosis for facilities for a given time period can be subjected to Confusion Matrix for calculation of respective Performance of Facilities (represented through Sensitivity and Specificity for Provisional Diagnosis for the disease). It is further suggested that relative performance of facilities for accuracy of Provisional Diagnosis can be plotted on a S – S (Sensitivity and Specificity) Cartesian for classification of facilities. However, the analysis presents just a possible idea based on imaginary data as real data is not available to test the presented idea. The blogpost is written in the form of questions and answers.

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What is Health Management?

In brief, health management provides guidance and leadership to administer health at the individual, organizational and systemic level. Health management embraces a holistic vision of health, in which health is impacted by behavioral, social, and environmental determinants. (Further details are available under APPENDIX – C of this blogpost)


What is the role of Information Technology in Health Management?

HMS (Hospital Management System) or HIMS (Hospital Information Management System) provides the underpinnings for decision-making and has four key functions: data generation, compilation, analysis and synthesis, and communication and use. (Further details are available under APPENDIX – C of this blogpost)


Why should data be analyzed for Provisional and Final Diagnosis?

Provisional diagnosis (PD) is the first considered diagnosis which initiates the first phase of management, whereas confirmatory or final diagnosis (FD) is the chronological organization and critical evaluation of information obtained from the history, physical examination, and investigations. (NCBI).

A technical series published by World Health Organization (WHO) in 2016 states that the most important task performed by primary care providers is diagnosis (World Health Organization, 2016).

Research shows the existence of gaps between provisional and final diagnosis in both private and government institutions. Both knowledge and skill gaps were evident in caregivers and gap in documentation was existent in medical records. (Chatterjee S, Ray K, Das AK. Gap analysis between provisional diagnosis and final diagnosis in government and private teaching hospitals: A record-linked comparative study. J Family Med Prim Care. 2016 Jul-Sep;5(3):637-640. doi: 10.4103/2249-4863.197318. PMID: 28217597; PMCID: PMC5290774.). Matching of provisional diagnosis with discharge diagnosis (final diagnosis) with greater accuracy and lesser number of investigations can lead to greater patient satisfaction along with lesser burden on health resources of the state. Accurate provisional diagnosis in the Emergency Department (ED) is considered to be more important as it has a significant impact on safety (Adnan & Baharuddin "A Study on the Diagnostic Discrepancy between Admission and Discharge in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia" January 2021 Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences 17(1):105-110 17(1):105-110).

Historically, diagnosis relied more on symptoms. With the development of systematic methods of clinical examination more reliance was placed on signs. However major breakthroughs in diagnosis were achieved when medical technology provided a wide array of accurate and reliable laboratory and radiological investigations. (Chattopadhyay, Amitabha, et al. "Gap analysis between provisional diagnosis on admission and final diagnosis during discharge–A comparative study." J Dent Med Sci 8 (2013): 28-31.). A brief on Symptoms and Signs can be accessed under APPENDIX - A for ready reference.

Analysis of HIMS/HMS generated (non-repudiable) data (mined from large sample of anonymized patient records) for (disease wise) matching of provisional and final diagnosis done at facility level may be helpful in many respects, like: -

1.      Improving Differential Diagnosis - Differential diagnosis is defined as the process of differentiating between the probability of one disease versus that of other diseases with similar symptoms that could possibly account for illness in a patient. (Refer - Deepti Lamba, William H. Hsu, Majed Alsadhan, Chapter 1 - Predictive analytics and machine learning for medical informatics)

2.      Observing Changing Signs and Symptoms of Diseases – Manifestations of diseases  may keep on changing with changing times (Bennett Lorber, Changing patterns of infectious diseases, The American Journal of Medicine, Volume 84, Issue 3, Part 2, 1988, ISSN 0002-9343). Such changes may happen due to numerous factors like (say) changing lifestyles of a population or (say) mutating pathogens. The results of such changes could be observed as variations in symptoms and in signs associated with diseases.

3.      Bringing Consistency in Diagnosis - Detailed analysis of mismatch in provisional and final diagnosis across a large set of facilities may (in some cases) help in bringing consistency in diagnosis of some of the diseases. In general, conducting such an analysis periodically could even lead to improvement in quality of diagnosis in a given set of facilities.

4.      Developing a better understanding on the way Patients express Symptoms of a Disease to Care-Givers – Usually, patients come to a facility from extremely diverse backgrounds (say in terms of languages spoken, education levels, religious and social beliefs) and therefore may have different ways to articulate medical complains. These complaints become the basis for recording of the symptoms. Quality of (interactive) communication between a patient and clinical caregiver (or say the doctor) may be critical for improving accuracy of symptoms narrated. These symptoms (and observed signs) in-turn become the basis for provisional diagnosis by the doctor (or an authorized clinical professional).

A possible cause of poor matching of provisional diagnosis with the final diagnosis could be poor quality of interactive communication between patient and doctor. This aspect may get attention and most likely get improved with frequent assessment of gap in provisional and final diagnosis.


Can you suggest a way to do an analysis for Provisional and Final Diagnosis?

Let us try to develop an idea to do an analysis of provisional and final diagnosis from data captured through HIMS. In this analysis, we will try to apply Confusion Matrix to assess healthcare facilities for correct provisional diagnosis of a given disease. This assessment will be done for data collated during a fixed period of time across a given set of facilities with an assumption that all other related parameters remain the same for these facilities.

It is assumed that the following data is available for a given facility, which has implemented HIMS -  a) symptoms reported by patients for a disease at triaging, b) the provisional diagnosis (likely-positive (likely to have a disease) or likely-negative (not likely to have a disease)) and c) the final diagnosis (positive or negative) for the disease. In this analysis we will analyze capability of the facility to be correct in doing provisional diagnosis for the disease. This capability of the facility will be expressed in terms of two parameters Sensitivity and Specificity (described later in this blogpost). Once capability of a facility is determined, the same will be repeated for a given set of facilities. Thus, relative capabilities of facilities chosen for analysis can be determined (in terms of respective Sensitivity and Specificity values).

A Confusion Matrix is commonly used in assessment of accuracy and reliability of outputs of Machine Learning models. Essentially, a confusion matrix is a matrix that summarizes the performance of a machine learning model on a set of test data. It is a means of displaying the number of accurate and inaccurate instances based on the model’s predictions. It is often used to measure the performance of classification models, which aim to predict a categorical label for each input instance. ( In table – 1, a confusion matrix is prepared by matching data of Provisional Diagnosis with corresponding data for the Final Diagnosis.

The matrix displays the number of instances produced by the model on the test data. These instances in reference to table – 1 (representing our idea of analysis) are as under ( -

1.      True Positive (TP): The model correctly predicted a positive outcome (the actual outcome was positive). This is represented as ‘a’ in Table – 1 in reference to this analysis.

2.      True Negative (TN): The model correctly predicted a negative outcome (the actual outcome was negative). This is represented as ‘d’ in Table – 1 in reference to this analysis.

3.      False Positive (FP): The model incorrectly predicted a positive outcome (the actual outcome was negative). Also known as a Type I error. This is represented as ‘b’ in Table – 1 in reference to this analysis.

4. False Negative (FN): The model incorrectly predicted a negative outcome (the actual outcome was positive). Also known as a Type II error. This is represented as ‘c’ in Table – 1 in reference to this analysis.

Table – 1: Confusion Matrix for Provisional Diagnosis and Final Diagnosis in Healthcare

We will apply the confusion matrix (as above in table-1) to the sample of data available for a critical disease from a given set of facilities (let us take 15 imaginary facilities and therefore 15 corresponding Matrix with corresponding values of TP, FP, FN and TN).  In context of India, the critical disease could be any of the diseases with high prevalence (Communicable or Non-Communicable). However, as an illustrative example, we will take Tuberculosis (because, India accounts for about 25% of global TB burden, with an estimated TB incidence of 2.77 million in 2022). In application of confusion matrix, the sample size of data is recommended to be statistically significant (say typically around 500 cases from every facility for applying to the matrix), the period of capture of data is to be considered reasonably recent and quality of data be considered good in terms of completeness, cleanliness, accuracy and reliability.

In relation to our analysis, the provisional diagnosis will be assessed on Sensitivity and Specificity. In reference to the Matrix shown in the table – 1, the formula and explanation for these two parameters are given as under (a,b,c and d used in the following formula are taken from the Table – 1): -

1.      Sensitivity = [a/(a+c)]×100

2.      Specificity = [d/(b+d)]×100

Sensitivity - The sensitivity of a test is also called the true positive rate (TPR) and is the proportion of samples that are genuinely positive that give a positive result using the test in question. For example, a test that correctly identifies all positive samples in a panel is very sensitive. Another test that only detects 60 % of the positive samples in the panel would be deemed to have lower sensitivity as it is missing positives and giving higher a false negative rate (FNR). Also referred to as type II errors, false negatives are the failure to reject a false null hypothesis (the null hypothesis being that the sample is negative).

Specificity - The specificity of a test, also referred to as the true negative rate (TNR), is the proportion of samples that are genuinely negative that give a negative result using the test in question. For example, a test that identifies all healthy people as being negative for a particular illness is very specific. Another test that incorrectly identifies 30 % of healthy people as having the condition would be deemed to be less specific, having a higher false positive rate (FPR). Also referred to as type I errors, false positives are the rejection of a true null hypothesis (the null hypothesis being that the sample is negative).

A possible process for carrying out collection of data for the analysis is illustrated as under: -

Figure – 1: Suggestive Process for Data Capture

A patient with symptoms of a disease is triaged and sent to a doctor (in a of the given facility being considered for this analysis). Such patients (with due consent) will be considered as subjects for this analysis. A subject can be Provisionally Diagnosed as “Likely Positive” or “Likely Negative” for Tuberculosis (TB) by the attending Doctor. Based on provisional diagnosis the doctor will start suitable medication and at the same time recommend confirmatory tests (for possible evidence(s) of TB). Once the results of tests are available, the doctor will write the Final Diagnosis as a “Positive” or a “Negative” case of TB. The data for Symptoms, for Provisional Diagnosis and for Final Diagnosis will be used to be fed to analytical framework used (Confusion Matrix).

In a real scenario, for every facility chosen for analysis (like we have chosen 15 facilities for our imaginary case), one Confusion Matrix will be prepared based on data captured at that facility (say clean dataset in the range of 500 cases). Sensitivity and Specificity will be calculated for every Confusion Matrix. These parameters (Sensitivity and Specificity) will represent performance of diagnosis (on correctness of the provisional diagnosis) for the given disease across the chosen facilities.

Since we do not have real data, let us try to work-out on the above analytical idea through some imaginary random data. So, with an imaginary data for Sensitivity and Specificity of 15 Imaginary Facilities (assumed to have been derived from huge data collected during 01-JAN-2023 to 31-DEC-2023 in respective facilities – typically valid dataset of around 500 for every facility), an S-S (Sensitivity and Specificity) Cartesian Plot has been prepared. This is a deviation form ROC curve (between values of ‘Sensitivity’ and ‘1-Specificity’) plotted by data analysts to test their models. The deviation is taken considering that we are not testing different provisional diagnosis AI model, but we are exploring an indicator for performance of facilities on Provisional and Final diagnosis. The imaginary data used is given under APPENDIX – B. The S-S Plot is as under: -

Figure – 2: Suggestive Sensitivity and Specificity Plot (S – S Plot) for a selected set of Facilities based on Provisional Diagnosis and Final Diagnosis data collected over a given period of time

Suggestive interpretations based on the above S – S curve is given in the following table. In case, it turns out that the S – S curve is found relevant on application of this idea for analysis (analytical framework) on real data, the suggestive interpretations may be used by policy makers and administrators for improving provisioning of healthcare.

Table – 2: Suggestive Interpretation of the S – S Plot with respect to the performance of Facilities on accuracy of Provisional Diagnosis

The assumptions made for the above S – S plot include: -

1.      Reliability of Confirmatory Test is assured

2.      Clarity in communication between Patient and Service Providers is observed across all facilities

3.      Availability of required Clinical and Non-Clinical Infrastructure is good in all facilities

4.      Patient Load per Doctor do not vary significantly across facilities

5.      Qualification of Clinical and Non-Clinical Staff do not vary significantly across facilities

6.      Patient Load with multiple diseases (which may include or exclude the disease in question) is largely uniform across the facilities

7.      Asymptomatic patients are rare (statistically negligible) and will remain excluded from this analysis

8. Prevalence of the disease does not vary in high magnitude across the facilities chosen and does not impact diagnostic accuracy in any significant way across the facilities

Should the suggested Analytical Framework (if found relevant on real data) be used by Healthcare Administrators or Policy Makers?

Measurement of performance in healthcare is a critical issue and needs adequate care in selection of indicators for administrative purposes. Complexities in health administration include: -

a.      Freedom, Flexibility, Discretion and Authority of Healthcare Service Providers

b.      Mutual trust between Patient and Treating Doctor

c.      Right to Information, Freedom of Choice and Right to Privacy of Patients

d.      Community and Societal Values and Government Regulations

e.      Tradition and Beliefs of stakeholders

f.        Diversity in adherence to divergent, contradictory or competing School of Thoughts in Medical Fraternity

g.      Resource optimization challenges with prevailing Patient Load, Services Rendered, Funding, Locality and Infrastructure availability at Facilities

h.      Cost of Medical Expense to the Patient

i.        Temptation of a facility to improve on measured indicators (at times, which may unknowingly turn out to introduce biases in treatment)

I believe that the matter of healthcare administration be left to the administrative experts. Ideas suggested by data analysts may be scrutinized in the larger context of healthcare administration. Only those ideas, which could stand scrutiny of healthcare experts be put to use for administering healthcare facilities (and that too after incorporating suggested modifications).

In this case, the idea expressed in this blogpost is at this stage, just a possibility. The idea is not even put to test through real data (which I do not have access to). The idea is not even debated and improved with domain experts. Thus, at the best this blogpost can be considered as an idea open to debate and corrections to get refined for a possible consideration to be tested with real data by real data analysts or researchers.


APPENDIX – A: Brief on Symptoms and Signs

Symptoms and Signs are briefed as under: -

§  Symptoms - Something that a person feels or experiences that may indicate that they have a disease or condition. Symptoms can only be reported by the person experiencing them. They cannot be observed by a health care provider or other person and do not show up on medical tests. Some examples of symptoms are pain, nausea, fatigue, and anxiety. (NCI)

§  Signs - In medicine, a sign is something found during a physical exam or as a result of a laboratory or imaging test that shows that a person may have a condition or disease. Signs can be observed by a health care provider or other person. Some examples of signs are fever, swelling, skin rash, high blood pressure, and high blood glucose. (NCI)


APPENDIX – B: Imaginary Data to Plot the Illustrative S - S CURVE

APPENDIX – C: Information Technology in Health Management


What is Health Management?

Health management is complex, and its meaning can vary depending on local contexts. EHMA (European Health Management Association) with our members have developed a definition that captures the needs of health systems all across Europe. In brief, health management provides guidance and leadership to administer health at the individual, organisational and systemic level. Health management embraces a holistic vision of health, in which health is impacted by behavioral, social, and environmental determinants. Health management includes and goes beyond healthcare management, which comprises community, primary, secondary, and tertiary care provision. It also happens outside of care settings and builds synergy with other related policy and societal areas in line with the ‘One health’ concept. Health management encompasses the entire health ecosystem in which health managers collaborate with patients, informal and formal caregivers, patient organisations, legislators, educators, policy makers and regulators, public health experts, researchers, health insurance experts, and pharmaceutical industries. Together, they aim to create a clear health vision and alignment strategy, as well as lay down the organisational, societal and technological conditions to achieve optimal health outcomes for individual patients and the entire community. Health managers are jointly responsible for establishing effective and holistic governance structures, built on a co-design and co-production model. (EHMA)


What is the role of Information Technology in Health Management?

The evolving paradigm shift resulting from IT, social and technological changes has created a need for developing an innovative knowledge-based healthcare system, which can effectively meet global healthcare system demands and also cater to future trends.  The Hospital Information Management System (HIMS) is developed with this sole aim in mind, which helps in processing and management of hospital information not only inside the boundary, but also beyond the hospital boundary, e.g., telemedicine or e-healthcare. (Wadhwa S, Saxena A, Wadhwa B. Hospital information management system: an evolutionary knowledge management perspective. Int J Electron Healthc. 2007;3(2):232-60. doi: 10.1504/IJEH.2007.013103. PMID: 18048272.)

HMS (Hospital Management System) or HIMS (Hospital Information Management System) provides the underpinnings for decision-making and has four key functions: data generation, compilation, analysis and synthesis, and communication and use. HIMS collects data from the health sector and other relevant sectors, analyses the data and ensures their overall quality, relevance and timeliness, and converts data into information for health-related decision-making. (Health Metrics Network Framework and Standards for Country Health Information Systems, World Health Organization, January 2008)

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Data Analysis for Health Quality and Health Expenditure – A Case of Indian States

Picture reference - 

Global spending on health more than doubled in real terms over the past two decades, reaching US$ 8.5 trillion in 2019, or 9.8% of global GDP. But it was unequally distributed, with high income countries accounting for approximately 80%. Health spending in low-income countries was financed primarily by out-of-pocket spending (OOPS; 44%) and external aid (29%), while government spending dominated in high income countries (70%). (Global Spending on Health: Public Spending on the Rise – 2021, WHO)

In India, Health is a state subject. The delivery of (public) health care largely rests with the states of the Federal Union. The allocation of funds to health-sector (for public healthcare service delivery) inter-alia is dependent on the overall resource availability with the government, competing sectoral priorities, and also the absorptive capacity of the system (ref – PIB – Press Information Bureau, GoI). However, prioritizing (public) health spending is more of a policy choice than a result of government fiscal capacity (Global Spending on Health: Public Spending on the Rise – 2021, WHO).

In India, NITI Aayog (Government of India) evaluates states and UTs on Health Performance and generates a Health Index Score. In doing so, the Aayog takes into consideration the huge diversity amongst the Indian federations. Therefore, it evaluates health of population under broad administrative territories based on the following classifications (ref – NITI Aayog): -

a)      Large States - Haryana, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Telangana, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Jammu and Kashmir, Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Odisha, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar.

b)      Small States – Tripura, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland, Meghalaya, Goa, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh.

c)      Union Territories (UTs) - D & N Haveli, Chandigarh, Daman & Diu, Puducherry, Lakshadweep, A&N lslands, Delhi.

A relative ranking of Indian federations (under above classified categories) is also prepared based on respective Health Index Score (HIS – we may refer as “NITI Aayog Health Index” or “NITI Health Index” in this article). Further details on NITI-Index can be found in the APPENDIX – A. In this article, we may prefer to adhere with the above classification in doing analysis and in doing comparative visualizations (wherever appropriate).

It may be noted that based on the availability of data, we have considered the time-period for this (data-visualization based) analysis as that of financial year 2019-20 (April 2019 to March 2020). Parameters used in this analysis do not change rapidly and therefore, the analysis may hold good enough for developing an understanding in larger context (even in current scenario). Sources of data sets used in this analysis are given in APPENDIX – B. Going with the limitation of the available datasets, we have to accommodate some minor deviations from (the above mentioned) reference period for the following parameter (which should be within acceptable range): -

·       ‘Per Capita Net State Domestic Product at Current Prices in INR’ for the year 2020-21.

With the above background, let us try to compare following two aspects of public healthcare service delivery for Indian States through data visualization: -

a.      Expenditure in Public Healthcare and

b.      Quality of Health.

We need to quantify the above two aspects of public healthcare service delivery. For this, we assume that NITI Health Index quantifies Quality of Health in a state and that government data available for “Public Expenditure on Healthcare” can be directly used for quantifying Expenditure in Public Healthcare for any state. We will prefer to compare these parameters separately for Large States, Small States and UTs and will use logarithmic scale for much pronounced visualization. The states are plotted against following parameters in X and Y axes: - 

a)      X – Axis represents: Public Expenditure on Health (2019-20) in Crores per LAKH Population in logarithmic scale

a.      Median Value for this parameter is represented by Vertical Dotted Orange Line.

b)      Y – Axis represents:  NITI Health Index Score for 2019-20 in logarithmic scale

a.      Median Value for this parameter is represented by Horizontal Dotted Orange Line.

c)      Data Sources – The sources of data are detailed under APPENDIX – B.


Figure – 1: Expenditure and NITI Health Index for Large States with a trend line (black dotted)

Figure – 2: Expenditure and NITI Health Index for Small States

Figure – 3: Expenditure and NITI Health Index for Union Territories

Going through the above visualizations (which is based on the available datasets), the following observations are noted: -

1.      Separate data representations for large states, small states and UTs can be observed in Figures – 1,2 and 3 (as above). The data set for large states is better in terms of numbers in comparison to the other two categories. Dataset for UTs is very less as most of the UTs do not have expenditure details recorded in the available dataset. 

2.      Median Value for Public Health Expenditure is seen significantly higher for Small States category in comparison to the other two categories. One of the possible reasons for this observed hire values of public health expenditure could be the composition of Small States. A closer look at the list of small states shown in figure – 2 reveals that seven out of the eight states are North-Eastern (NE) states (call them seven sisters or call the six sisters and one brother (Sikkim)). These hilly states are mostly rural and thinly populated territories with difficult terrains, with lower levels of infrastructure and with under-developed transportation facilities. It is widely accepted fact that natural terrain, location and transportation are significant factors of efficiency in efficiency of rural public goods (Chunyan He, Li Peng, Shaoquan Liu, Dingde Xu, Peng Xue, 2016,  Factors influencing the efficiency of rural public goods investments in mountainous areas of China —— Based on micro panel data from three periods, Journal of Rural Studies,ISSN 0743-0167). Thus, for similar levels of quality of services spending on public healthcare is much higher in NE region of India. For example, in 2014-15, major States spent anywhere between Rs 617 and Rs 2,026 per capita on health and allied subjects. Less populated, hilly or small Indian States spent between Rs 2,289 and Rs 7,409 per person (Srinath et al, A Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Public Health Expenditure in India: 2005-06 to 2014-15, Working Paper 2018-01, Takshila Institution).

3.      Quality (NITI Health Index) appears to improve with Expenditure (public health expenditure) in general. This trend looks dominant for large states and for UTs. However, small states do not look to be falling in line with the trend. The observation is also evident from correlation between Quality and Expenditure for the three cases: -

a.      Correlation Coefficient for Quality and Expenditure (Large States) = 0.50 (Moderate)

b.      Correlation Coefficient for Quality and Expenditure (Small States) = 0.17 (Low)

c.      Correlation Coefficient for Quality and Expenditure (UTs) = 0.94 (High)

4.      In the large states category, it is observed that the distribution of public health expense amongst states are cluttered around median value of 15.11 Crores per Lakh of population. Comprehensively looking at the graph, insists that going beyond the median value in public health expenditure may be important accelerator for likelihood of improvement in quality of health.

5.      In the large states category, some states with higher expenditure are observed to have lower NITI Health Index score and some states with lower expenditure are observed to be having higher NITI Health Index score. To be specific, Maharashtra, Punjab and Karnataka are spending less (below median expense in public health) in comparison to Assam, Haryana, Uttarakhand (UK) and Rajasthan (above median expense in health). However, Maharashtra, Punjab and Karnataka have a better NITI Health Index score in comparison to Assam, Haryana, Uttarakhand (UK) and Rajasthan. This could be considered an anomaly.

Let us speculate to find a possible explanation for this anomaly. It is well-known that NITI Health Index does a generic assessment for any Indian state on the quality of health (of residing population) following a scientific methodology. Thus, it includes health outcomes achieved through efforts made by means of private as well as public healthcare service providers in a given state.

However, (in the above visualization) we have used data only for public health expenditure (which is available with us). Therefore, a likelihood is high that exclusion of the private spending (made by the individuals / trusts / NGOs in population) could the possible reason for the anomaly. Let us investigate this aspect in the following sections of this article.

OOPE (Out of Pocket Expenditure) happens to be the dominant private healthcare expenditure in India (refer – figure – 4 below), therefore, we may have preferred to opt to compare the OOPE data (say - OOPE per lakh population) for states showing anomalous behavior in the (above visualized) graphs for improving our understanding. However, we could not find this dataset (for OOPE for Indian States for 2020) in attempts made through internet surfing. Therefore, let us substitute OOPE with readily available government data for Per-Capita Income and try to find an explanation for the (above) observed anomaly. However, by taking this parameter into consideration, we assume that income distribution across all the states is nearly same (say - with similar proportions of high-middle-low income households) and also, we assume that there exists a reasonable elasticity in availing of healthcare services (so, the more per-capita income, the higher the paying capacity and proportionally people alter spending on healthcare). So to say, we will go with the widely accepted fact that ‘the larger the per capita income, the greater the expenditure on health’ (NLiS, WHO). 

Figure – 4: Government Health Expenditure and Out of Pocket Expenditure in India (Ref – PIB, GOI)

In view of the discussions in the last point (refer – point - 5 above), let us take the analysis further from this point by introducing the third dimension to the above visualization illustrating Expenditure and Quality (in figures – 1,2 and 3). This third dimension (as discussed) is the income of individuals in the respective states expressed as “Per Capita Net State Domestic Product at Current Prices for 2020-21 (Base Year 2011-12) in Lakhs (INR)”. This will broadly represent the proportion of private expenditure in healthcare by people in the state and will be shown in the above graphs the third dimension represented by the size of the circular points (bubbles – used as markers for states in the above graphs). Thus, the larger the circle/bubble representing a state, the more is the per capita income of that state (and more is the private health spending). With this new dimension introduced in our previous graphs (given in figures 1,2 and 3), let us redraw the above three graphs (as figures 4,5 and 6) and try to look for possibilities of deeper analysis. (For Data Source – Refer – APPENDIX – B).

Figure – 5: Expenditure (X Axis), NITI Health Index (Y-Axis) and Per-Capita Income in Lakhs of INR (Size of Bubble) for Large States

Figure – 6: Expenditure (X Axis), NITI Health Index (Y-Axis) and Per-Capita Income in Lakhs of INR (Size of Bubble) for Small States

Figure – 7: Expenditure (X Axis), NITI Health Index (Y-Axis) and Per-Capita Income in Lakhs of INR (Size of Bubble) for UTs

Going through the newly created visualizations as above (based on the available datasets), the following observations can be noted: -

A.      A broad trend in favor of improvement in Quality (NITI Health Index) with increase in Income (Per-Capita Income representing private healthcare expenditure) is observed in large states, in small states and UTs (from graphical observation). Thus, the anomaly (observed under point – 4 above) appears to be better understood now. Under large state category, Maharashtra, Punjab and Karnataka are spending less (below median expense in public health) in comparison to Assam, Haryana, Uttarakhand (UK) and Rajasthan (above median expense in health) but are doing better in Quality (NITI Health Index) because income of population in these states are relatively higher (in comparison) and therefore, individuals (in the population) appear to be spending more on healthcare through OOPE, eventually improving the average health of population in entire state.

B.      With inclusion of private expenditure to the public expenditure on healthcare, the likelihood of getting much more pronounced linear relationship between Quality (expressed as NITI Health Index Score) and Expenditure (Total Health Expenditure – private expense + public expense) is high. The related correlations of Quality (NITI Health Index) with Income (per-capita income representing private expenditure) are as under: -

a.      Correlation Coefficient for Quality and Income (Large States) = 0.74 (High)

b.      Correlation Coefficient for Quality and Income (Small States) = 0.27 (Low)

c.      Correlation Coefficient for Quality and Income (UTs) = 0.53 (Moderate)


Comparatively, correlation between “Quality of Health” and “Public Expenditure” is less in comparison to correlation between “Quality of Health” and “Private Expenditure” for larger states. This is vice-a-versa for UTs.

However, the small states fail to show any significant correlation with respect to either public healthcare expenditure or private healthcare expenditure. And, one of the the possible reasons may not be much difficult to guess looking into the fact that out of the 8 small states shown in the graph, 7 are the famous Seven-Sisters of North East India and the eighth one is Goa on the western coast of India. In all these seven north-eastern states, Christian Missionaries started their medical mission the early 20th century (IJHSSS, ISSN: 2349-6959 (Online), ISSN: 2349-6711 (Print), Volume-I, Issue-I, July 2014, Published by Scholar Publications, Karimganj, Assam, India, 788711, Website: and have been actively rendering healthcare services to the local tribes since then. Statistics reveal that 85 percent of the health care institutions run by Christian Church / Mission are in the villages (Rev. Dr. S. M. John Kennedy SJ,"Christian Contribution to Indian Education", 2018,, Research and Reflections on Education ISSN 0974-648X Vol.17 No.6 January-March 2018). Provisioning of healthcare service delivery by these missionaries run by Christian Churches may not get accounted for either in public or private expenditure. Interestingly, just like seven NE states, Christian Missionaries were active in setting up medical institutions and shaping healthcare in the eighth small state of Goa since the times, when the state was a colony of Portugal. Numerous evidence about contributions of missions in establishment of medical institutions and in putting efforts to improve healthcare in and around Goa during nineteenth and twentieth centuries can be found in literature (Cristiana Bastos, Doctors of the Empire: Medical School of Goa and its Narratives, 2001). At this point, I may like to put-up a personal note about Christian Missionaries in India, I feel these missionaries were NGOs (NGOs – Non-Government Organizations), which operated independently without being part of the ecosystem of the government (during pre-independent India and more so after independence of India in 1947). In doing so, they could create a space for themselves in the minds of people as credible organizations dedicated to their profession with the sole intent to improve healthcare and education in different parts of India.

C.     Considering all the above discussions, we may conclude that as indicated by the available data for Indian States, Quality of Health (as reflected in NITI Health Index) of Indian states is correlated to Expenditure* (Public and Private) on healthcare.

* The Expenditure includes private expenditure (including contributions made by Missions / NGOs / Charitable Trusts) and public expenditure in healthcare by government.

D.     Now, let us turn our attention to those states which need the most attention under Large State category. These are Bihar, Madhya Pradesh (MP) and Uttar Pradesh (UP). Following are some observations for these states: -

           i.      From figure – 5, it is clear that these three states are lower in Quality of Health and lower in Expenditure (Private - due to lower income as evident from size of respective bubbles in Figure-5 and Public – due to lower public expenditure as evident from positioning of respective bubbles in Figure-5).

          ii.      Even though health literacy in India has been low (Tribune India Survey, 2019). Good health (for all) is a necessity, which no society may fail to acknowledge. Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 has increased political significance of health and healthcare related issues. Therefore, respective governments (in these states) may need to consider improving the quality of health as a priority.

        iii.       Population in these three states are expected to increase in decades to come going by birth-rate and death-rate trends (these states are amongst the states with higher birth rates and lower death rates). This can be seen from the following graphs (refer: Figure – 8 and Figure – 9). Therefore, the load on healthcare service delivery is expected to continuously increase in the years to come. Accordingly, the healthcare system is required to improve at an accelerated pace.

        iv.      Now, there is a clear correlation between health and wealth (wealth here means economy represented by size of GDP). This correlation cannot (clearly and decisively) determine the direction of causality between the two. However, health does matter for wealth of individuals, and that the direction of the causality between the two goes from health to wealth, though it is not very strong. ("Kobylinski and Tyrowicz" 2019 "On the Relation Between Health and Income: A Cross-Country Analysis"; Central European Economic Journal 5(1):256-2695(1):256-269).

          v.      Further, time and again it has been established that health and the economy are inextricably linked and there is evidence which, whilst not always apparent or obvious, shows that investing in health and health systems is clearly beneficial for achieving economic objectives. (Ref -

        vi.      From B and C above, we can assume that there exists a mutual synergy between health and economic development. This means bi-directional incremental efforts to improve health and economy over a significant period of time may yield prosperity to a territory. Social leadership in these states may develop a cohesive social consensus on healthcare and inclusive economic development as top priorities in order to politically influence governments for effective, articulated and consistent efforts these two aspects.

      vii.        Going with the above considerations, we are assuming a workable model to do a turn-around in health of these states may start with substantial increase in health expenditure (private, public and donor (NGOs, Charity)) and simultaneously promotion of prospects for commercial value generation at all levels business (through rendering support for – say - Small Scale Industries, Ease of Doing Business, Entrepreneurship, regulation for Just and Fair Market, commercial value generation friendly taxation, ease of availability of business-loans,  etc.) by the respective governments.

Figure – 8: State Wise Decadal Birth Rate

Figure – 9: State Wise Decadal Death Rate

E.      Finally, let us have a closure look at the state of Bihar. This choice is purely personal, and the reason is simple, because I am presently posted in the capital of this state (Patna) with rich historical importance. A further analysis with respect to per-capita-income in Bihar has been attempted in the following points: -

           i.      The GSDP (Gross State Domestic Product) of Bihar may need much more attention. In order to understand the magnitude of the problem, comparative GSDP of some of the selected states (can be considered as peers) are given in the figure below for five successive years starting from 2017-18 (figure – 10). GSDP of Bihar has been consistently very low during the mentioned period.

          ii.      There could be a possibility that Bihar (or for that matter even MP and UP) may have been driven into a ‘low income trap’ analogous to ‘middle income trap’ coined by the World Bank in 2007 (looking into economic performance of some of the countries in Latin America and Middle East). The World Bank also provided a policy framework for countries trapped in ‘middle income trap’ called 3i Strategy to reach ‘high income’ status. The 3i strategy insisted on sequenced and progressively sophisticated mix of policies. In ‘1i’ phase – it is suggested to increase investment, in ‘2i’ phase – it is suggested to shift gear to investment and infusion and in ‘3i’ phase – it is suggested to focus on investment, infusion and innovation. If deemed appropriate, this framework of the World Bank could be suitably considered by the policy makers, advisors and strategist in the state of Bihar.

        iii.      Another related concept from development economics could be the Poverty Trap.  A poverty trap is created when an economic system requires a significant amount of capital to escape poverty (ref - Investopedia). Taking the poverty trap view on under-development, a poverty trap graph has been attempted (ref – figure 11). This graph shows GSDP of Bihar for a given year (Year) in X-Axis and following Year (Year + 1) in Y-Axis. A 45-degree line indicating a plot for GSDP value for any Year is equal to GSDP value for the following year (Year + 1) is also drawn in red. Since, Bihar GSDP has consistently been above this 45-degree line, possibly, it can be suggested that GSDP of Bihar has been consistently increasing and has not gone below this 45-degree line for many consecutive years (indicating that Bihar has not been into the Poverty Trap in recent years with respect to GSDP).


Figure – 10: State Wise GSDP (Gross State Domestic Product) for Selected States for 2017-18 to 2021-22

Figure – 11: State Wise GSDP (Gross State Domestic Product) for Bihar for 2017-18 to 2021-22 plotted for mentioned “Year” against GSDP in the following Year (Year + 1)


NITI Aayog Health Index Score (NITI-HIS) - NITI Aayog and MoH&FW are spearheading the Health Index initiative. Under this initiative, (based on a defined framework) the NITI Aayog evaluates states (and UTs) and generates Health Index Scores for respective states (ref – NITI Aayog). This index is grouped under following three classifications (detailed as above): -

·       Large States

·       Small States

·       Union Territories (UTs)

The criteria for evaluation under the framework of Health Index Score takes into account the following domains (with weighted subdomains details can be referred at - NITI Aayog): -

·       Domain 1 – Health Outcomes

·       Domain 2 – Governance And Information

·       Domain 3 – Key Inputs / Processes

NITI-HIS could be one of the additional dimensions to the previous comparative positioning of states (and UTs) on the basis of Community, Primary and Secondary healthcare.



1.     Population - Source – Downloaded from ESRI Web Site accessed on 05 JUL 2024 22:00 IST -

2.     Public Expenditure on Health - RBI Web Site accessed on 05 JUL 2024 22:00 IST -

3.     NITI Aayog Health Index 2021: Key Highlights - and and

4.     State Wise Per Capita Income accessed on 05 JUL 2024 22:00 IST -

5.     Yearly State Wise GSDP accessed on 04 AUG 2024 10:14 IST - (taken from  - National Statistics Office, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation, Government of India)

6.     Source: Decadal Death and Birth Rate – Office of the Registrar General of India, Ministry of Home Affairs

Link as accessed on 06 AUG 2024 -

Note: Andhra Pradesh includes Telangana for the year 2009 and Jammu & Kashmir includes Ladakh for the year 2019, Birth rate & death rate per 1000 population and IMR is infant deaths per 1000 live births. Dadra & Nagar Haveli also includes the data for Daman & Diu for the year 2020.

7.     Out of Pocket Expenditure – Press Information Bureau, Government of India

Link as as accessed on 07 AUG 2024 -

8.     Data Table used for Data Visualization and Data Analysis can be accessed at – Data Table



